Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's late and I can't sleep

Do you ever find that during normal waking hours, you can't find enough things to do with yourself, but then at the moment when sleep should come you remember a thousand things you need to do, the vast majority of which are impossible at such an absurd hour of the night? Here are a few problems I wish I could solve or useful things I could accomplish right now:

(1) Resolve my class schedule for Fall semester, which is an impossibility even during daylight hours; I can't set my final schedule until I find out what class and at what time I will be teaching.

(2) Buy, write, and mail postcards to friends and family.

(3) Settle a housing contract for the coming school year.

(4) I haven't yet heard about my request to work one-on-one with a professor at Cambridge on my chosen interest area. I'll be in Cambridge in less than three weeks. That's a quite scary thought. Back to the books!

(5) Plan a trip for my dad, who will be in France in a week and a half. Hooray!

(6) Return to the Chagall Museum here in Nice.

(7) Finish Hamlet. In fact, I think that's what I'll do right now in an attempt to fall asleep. There's nothing like ghosts and regicide to put one's mind at ease.

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